Quality of Connection
- Acceptance
- Affection
- Agreement
- Appreciation
- Attention
- Authenticity
- Belonging
- Caring
- Clarity
- Closeness
- Communication
- Community
- Companionship
- Company in pain
- Compassion
- Confidence
- Consideration
- Cooperation
- Dependability
- Dignity
- Empathy
- Equality
- Guidance
- Harmony
- Humility
- Inclusion
- Integrity
- Intimacy
- Love
- Mattering
- Mutuality
- Nurturing
- Predictability
- Presence
- Respect
- Safety
- Self-acceptance
- Self-care
- Self-connection
- Self-responsibility
- Self-trust
- Shared Reality
- Support
- Trust
- Understanding
- Vulnerability
- Warmth
- Welfare of Others
- To be heard
- To be known for my intentions
- To be known for my strengths
- To know and be known
- Adventure
- Awareness
- Beauty
- Challenge
- Competence
- Contribution
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Discovery
- Effectiveness
- Fluency
- Focus
- Fulfillment
- Growth
- Hope
- Insight
- Inspiration
- Learning
- Literacy
- Participation
- Perception
- Purpose
- Reliability
- Self-expression
- Solitude
- Spontaneity
- Spirituality
- Stimulation
- To make a difference
- To make life more wonderful
- Fun and play
- Humor
- Joy
- Mourning
- Remembering
- Access to the world
- Choice
- Freedom
- Independence
- Lightness of being
- Opportunity
- Personal space
- Power
- Balance
- Catharsis
- Ease
- Efficiency
- Harmony
- Order
- Peace of mind
- Relaxation
- Resilience
- Self-respect
- Simplicity
- Social justice
- Stability
Physical Wellbeing
- Air and water
- Comfort
- Elimination
- Exercise
- Healing
- Health
- Nourishment
- Rest
- Safety
- Shelter
- Touch